Let's understand what is on the market
For the most part there are three different forms of engine tuning.
1) ECU flash tuning, this comes in two forms - either removal of the ECU and send it in
for reprogramming or the on-location reprogramming via the OBD port.
2) Rail-pressure boxes, these are a simple plug and play device that consists of a box and harness.
3) Injector duration module - a more complex electronic and wiring harness configuration.

Injection Duration Module
They are advanced, completely independent electronic computer module. These should not interfere with the manufacturers ECU and only inject additional fuel when the engine is under load.
Important to note here is that there are several brands that claim to be Injection Duration modules, but not all are. STEINBAUER PowerModule was the original Injection Duration Module on the world market and is the only brand that is 100% Injection Duration technology.
Other common brands available on the US market claim to be Injection Duration modules - be aware of imitations!

ECU Flash Tuning
ECU tuning is hacking the code the factory manufacturer installs in the engines ‘brain’. This process overrides the original manufacturers programming on the ECU and installs a new software ‘map’ or program on the ECU.
Some request that you remove your engine ECU and send it directly to them for re-programming. The most common is that a independant rep will come to you and upload a new software map onto your machine or vehicle via the OBD port.
ECU re-mapping changes the fuel mapping and can change other parameters because the manufacturers original ECU program is overridden or ‘tweaked’.

Rail Pressure Boxes
Rail Pressure tuning boxes are a cheap and crude form of aftermarket tuning. They operate using a basic electronic that works primarily by manipulating the fuel pressure signal that goes to the ECU from the fuel rail pressure sensor.
It is important to note here that they inject additional fuel, throughout the entire injection process, pre, post and main injection. This form of tuning